View Point
View Point is located in Basing View and occupies a 1.95 acre site, less than a 10 minute walk from Basingstoke Railway Station. Our vision is to create a high quality residential-led mixed use development which will bring vibrancy and activity to Basing View, complimenting existing uses and supporting the sustainable regeneration of the wider area. The site will help to improve pedestrian connections within Basing View and strengthen links to Eastrop Park, the town centre and railway station. Active frontages at the lower levels will enliven the street scene and public realm, whilst residential apartments above will bring increased footfall to support and sustain local businesses.
Our proposals will include new homes and associated amenity space, as well as new landscaped public space and commercial space located at lower levels. New public realm will be located opposite the pedestrian footbridge, creating a link through to Eastrop Park and the town centre.
View Point
Basingstoke Rd
Old Basing
RG21 4RG